January 15, 2014

All the Time Reaction Paper

            Recently, we watched an episode of a television series where in a man became the last man on Earth because a powerful bomb exploded. He felt depressed at first, but then he realized that he got all the time in the world to do whatever he wants to do. He found the public library and started to schedule the books that he was going to read. Unfortunately, he broke his glasses and thus he could not read anymore because of his blurred vision. And that ended the episode.

            I think that if the scientist’s family owned a vault that protected him from the explosion, it is possible that other people somewhere owned a vault as well and that he was not really the last man on earth. It is also possible that that powerful bomb is not the only catastrophic event that can occur at that time. Famine, a great flood or a viral disease can also cause an extinction of the human race. Then, it would be normal for any person to go mad at his discovery that he is now the only person left on Earth. It was a good thing that he discovered the positive side of his current situation. For the ending though, I would not have wanted it to be a hopeless case for him. He has only himself, and it turned out that he might have even lost himself. The thing he needed the most, which is sight, left him, so how is he going to live after that? I would have hoped for a different ending wherein he makes use of his time and intelligence productively. And even though he would die without anyone acknowledging his accomplishments, at least he died knowing that he made a difference to the world. He created a greater impact than that event that almost destroyed him in the first place.

Bernardez, Richelle M.

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