January 13, 2014

A Trip to the Moon: Same as the Earth?

               A Trip to the Moon revolves around the goal of having a trip to the Moon by the Astronomic Club. They travelled using a bullet-shaped vessel through a cannon. Eventually, in their adventure on the Moon, they will meet something we do not expect – Selenites. These were the inhabitants of the Moon, like humans are the inhabitants of the Earth.
               If I were present in the first screening of the film I would be fascinated as to how technology was advanced to make it possible for us humans to go to space and to be able to come back. This was made possible because of the bullet-shaped vessel shot through the cannon. I would also leave a hanging question if there are also other inhabitants in other planets and what would they be like. Also, I would have the knowledge that of what the air we breathe here on Earth is the same as there on the Moon. The same goes for gravity, this means that the moon and the Earth have the same gravity.I would want to go to the Moon, but I would not because of the Selenites. It is bad that I would go trespassing upon others’ territories. The film presented a deity, which is Phoebe (The Goddess of the Moon), which I can deduce that every planet has a Greek God guiding fellow men to their respective journeys. When one astronomer opened his umbrella, it became one of the big mushrooms on a cavern on the Moon. When we humans die, we do not explode like Selenites. Selenites also have a king, but only one. Maybe I was also curious of what is the Selenites’ dialect, but I can’t know because the characters never spoke once. I can say that the Moon is like the Earth, it has its own habitat, and its own inhabitants. I can say that the film’s prediction of what may be on the Moon is fictional because all of what I said contradicts what we have present knowledge of what’s on the Moon. I can also say that it caters to a mystery of Science today, because of what Science is knowing whether if there are other life forms on the Moon or any other planet.

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